Knowledge Base

Traffic Safety Concerns

The primary traffic safety concern is speeding, which is a growing concern in the United States.  All road types (highway, arterial, collector and local) are seeing this increase.  Appropriate traffic controls (signs, lights and pavement markings) are in place on most roads, but drivers are still traveling at excessive and dangerous speeds.  Even concerns about failure to stop or yield are usually based on speeding.

Since speed limits, and speed limit signs, are in place, speeding then becomes an enforcement issue with the Police Department.  Residents, business owners and the general public are encouraged to report any speeding concerns by placing a service request on the MyEastHartford mobile app or on the Town Website (look for "Report an Issue" on the home page).

Speed bumps, speed tables, and other road surface modifications are frequently requested to address speeding concerns.  The Town of East Hartford does not install these modifications as they have a number of negative consequences that outweigh the speed reduction:

  • Slower responses by public safety (fire/police/ambulance),
  • Problems with snow removal operations
  • Drainage issues, and
  • Increased noise (from vehicles slowing and then accelerating). 

The other notable traffic safety concern is on-street parking.  This takes many forms:

  • Illegal parking (in no parking zones or overnight)
  • Parking of commercial (usually large) vehicles
  • Parking too close to hydrants, driveways and intersecting roads

Signs for parking (and no parking) zones are generally in place and rules have been established regarding where and when on-street parking can take place.  Issues regarding on-street parking are also under the purview of the Police Department.  Reports about on-street parking can be made by placing a service request on the MyEastHartford mobile app or on the Town Website (look for "Report an Issue" on the home page).

Updated 9/9/2023 8:49 AM
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