Can the Town do something about a plumbing issue in my apartment?
The Town requires all property owners/landlords to abide by the the Town's Property Maintenance Code, including plumbing. If the property owner is not responsive to your communications regarding plumbing issues the Town can review and require the property owner to fix in accordance with the code.
Section 504 and 505 requires that Plumbing fixtures shall be properly installed and maintained in working order, and shall be kept free from obstructions, leaks and defects and be capable of performing the function for which such plumbing fixtures are designed. Plumbing fixtures shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary, and functional condition. See also section 504.3 ' Plumbing System Hazards'. Plumbing fixtures shall be properly connected to either a public sewer system or to an approved private sewage disposal system. Every plumbing stack, vent, waste and sewer line shall function properly and be kept free from obstructions, leaks, and defects. Inspectors will visit the property to confirm if there is a violation present. Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices shall be maintained in accordance with this code and the manufacturers installation instructions. Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices shall be regularly serviced and cleaned to prevent the discharge of oil, grease, and other substances harmful or hazardous to the building drainage system, the public sewer, the private sewage disposal system or the sewage treatment plant or processes. If a violation of the Property Maintenance Code is identified a Notice of Blight will be issued to the property owner with a timeline to correct based on the nature & severity of the violation. Non-compliance after the set time period can result in a daily monetary citation of $100. For more information you can review Town Ordinance Chapter 7 and Property Maintenance Code.