How do I report a street light outage?
Street light-Fixture Missing
Street light-Fixture Present & Light out
Street Lights
Street Light Out
Street Light Malfunction
Street Light- On During Day
Street Light- Flickering
The Town of East Hartford has a approximately 5,000 street lights that were converted to energy efficient LED lighting in 2015. The new fixtures are free of mercury and other toxic chemicals, easy to maintain and more
durable than glass high-pressure sodium light bulbs, making them resistant to impact and
vandalism. Unlike the previous High Pressure Sodium fixtures, LED fixtures do not burn out all
at once providing a more reliable source of light. A typical LED fixture will last about 15 years
before needing replacement as opposed to high-pressure sodium lights which typically last only
6 years.
To best address street light outages please report the pole number, exact location with cross street or closest address, and the description of the concern if the light is on by submitting a request for service
Street light requests for service are reviewed by our repair vendor within 10 days of the issue being reported, barring any weather interruptions. Repairs are then made within 30 days.
There may be times that parts will need to be ordered which may extend the repair time frame.
If there are electrical/power issues to the light pole then repairs will be made once Eversource has completed their review and any necessary work which will extend the repair time.
Updated 1/8/2019 12:20 PM