Can I park cars in my front yard?
The Town Zoning Regulations and Property Maintenance Code regulate where parking spaces and driveways can be established and where cars are permitted to park.
Zoning 7.2.H. No off-street parking space or access aisle shall be located in any required front setback in any zoning district except that, in a residential zone only, the paved portion of the driveway that gives access to said facility may be used for parking within the required front setback. Parking In Required Side Yard – In any zone, no parking facilities shall be located within five (5) feet of any rear or side property line except in the paved portion of the driveway that gives access to said facility. 7.2.J. Parking facilities accessory to a single or two-family dwelling shall be suitably graded and properly drained.
PM Code 302.8 (B) Parking on front lawns and driveways is prohibited as follows: (ii) No motor vehicle shall be parked on property on which a one to four family dwelling is located in a residential zone unless it is parked in a garage or in a driveway or parking space, which driveway or parking space shall not be located on any portion of such property between the living area of the dwelling and the street unless such driveway or parking space has been approved under applicable Town zoning regulations and building Code. (1) “driveway” means a hard surface consisting of asphalt, concrete, brick, pavers, gravel or other materials normally used for driveways which is no greater in width than authorized under applicable Town zoning regulations and which is used as a means of ingress and egress to a parking area. (12) “parking space” means the area for parking a motor vehicle, except for major recreational equipment, no more than ten feet wide and twenty feet long, made up of a surface consisting of the materials set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection, and having direct access to a street or driveway
For additional information, please see Town ordinances Ch. 7